Caribbean 2015
[pwaplusphp album=”2015_04_12_Caribbean”]
[pwaplusphp album=”2015_04_12_Caribbean”]
To increase visibility of events in support of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness campaign I created a website to showcase activities …
Montreal [pwaplusphp album=”2013_06_27_Montreal”] [pwaplusphp album=”2013_06_28_Montreal”] [pwaplusphp album=”2013_06_28_Montreal”] Quebec City [pwaplusphp album=”2013_06_30_Quebec_City”] Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island [pwaplusphp album=”2013_07_02_Charlottetown”] Sydney, Nova Scotia – Cabot …
My mother has been an active contributor to the local library for years and started an association to support the library. They …
Building a frontend for my recorded GPS tracks and mashing them up with images taken along the road.
I created a website to share our experience of child loss and to make a difference for other bereaved parents.
Vancouver Island is a stunning place and we were lucky to be able to take a short vacation to explore some areas of this gem.
Our second trip to Hawaii took us to Kauia. All I have to say is: absolutely stunning.
White Christmas in Big White.
Our second trip to Alaska took us along the same route by cruise ship from Vancouver to Anchorage. This time we added a few days to drive up to Denali National Park.